À bout de souffle
(Luz... Porto)
Oh, foul creature from the darkness,
Do not sting me
With your poisonous tail.
Do not let that lethal substance of yours
Flow through my veins.
We have once been good friends,
Yes, we have.
Trust me. I do not want to hurt you.
Do not be a suicidal.
If you kill me
That's you who shall be buried
In a lonely funeral.
I have already been stabbed
Right into my breast.
Dark blood has come out
From my heart.
I have been kept on a steel leash
To prove my obedience.
(Obedience to whom? I simply ignore that)
Poor dear friend
You are the one and only
I can talk to.
I know you understand my feelings
I know you are stuck to me.
But I also know you are scared to death...
(You fear I may drown in quicksand, don't you?)
Think twice before you make up your mind
Do not let yourself be led by despair.
You are not walled up, you are not.
You can escape and so can I.
Go back to the damp rocks
Where you used to live
And let me go on along my solitary path.
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