(Luz... Porto)
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee,
and show thee great and might things,
which thou knowest not."
(Jeremiah 33:3)
In a foreign language
I say my prayer.
In a language I heard of
Somewhere in my dreams-
Or in my despair.
Its grammar, its syntax
And its phonetics I ignore.
It appeals to me
When I am lonely
When my heart bleeds
When no words come to my tongue
When my eyes are dry of tears
When no sweat comes through my body.
Will God understand my devotion?
I cannot answer...
Perhaps he may read the lines of my hands
Or see the secret paths of my soul
Or listen to the strange rythm of my heart.
Maybe he will have mercy on me
And teach me my own idiom.
For I have just realized
I am a perfect strange to myself.
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