20,000 miles under the sea
(Luz... Porto)
I took a ship
That would take me to Treasure Island.
Instead, she decided I should visit
The bed of the sea.
Deeper and deeper down she went
Into the abyss.
I fainted.
When I came over
I could see crabs, shellfish,
Octopuses and squids.
The creatures looked at me
With their round puzzled eyes
And offered me plankton to eat
(That was all we had
to celebrate my being there).
Mermaids charmed me
With their tunes-
Poor Penelope was I
Looking for my lost Odysseus.
Algae cloth I wove
Trying to make my own shroud
(I was not sure whether
I was dead or not)
But the big fish ate it.
'That's meaningless', they said,
'What's the point of that?'.
I was protected against
Storms and tempests from above.
After some time, however,
I got bored.
I missed a port, my port, my name.
I looked forward to hearing
The hustle and bustle from my small town.
I cried tears
And my liquid feelings gave me
The strange sensation of being pregnant.
I surfaced and was found unconscious
By two sailors.
When I got over from
What they called 'my delirium'
All I could find on the shore
Was an oyster with a black pearl inside...